In Photo: Fermented Black Garlic Honey on Baked Brie
Batches made small.
Alberta wildflower honey is whipped and dipped into splendid little blends.
Here you’ll find popular flavours like lavender, cinnamon, black garlic and ginger to add to your kitchen cupboard. Don’t shy away from applewood and truffle honey, these local delights will bring a smile to anyone’s face and make great gifts too.
150 g Spicy Honey Blend
150 g Applewood Smoked
150 g Organic Turmeric
150 g Ginger Honey Blend
150 g Organic Cinnamon
150 g Maple Honey
150 g Hibiscus Honey
150 g Orange Honey
150 g Lemon Honey Blend
150g Bourbon honey
150 g Umami Honey
375 g Organic Cinnamon
375 g Organic Turmeric
375 g Maple Honey
375 g Ginger Honey Blend
375g Bourbon honey
375g Lilac honey
375g Rose Hip Honey